The sports are for eveybody

Everybody can play any sports they want; it doesn’t matter if the sport is mostly like by males or females, the only important thing is that the person that is playing the sport can truly enjoy it without thinking that they will be judge by their friends, family or even by the people passing by while she or he is playing , because we grow up in a society that catalogs everything in genders and don’t get me wrong that is not that I want to talk about , the issue is that if the sport or action you do is catalog as just for boys ( a physical games such as football,rugby,soccer, etc) the girls can not play it and if they play it that means that those girls are not feminine and vice versa, and that is totally mistaken because the sports are made for be enjoy no matter who is playing it, obviously if you want to play as a professional the game will be segmented by girls and boys because of the different physical attributes can made the game is not fair.

Anyways what I am traying to say in here is that people should not prohibited others to play any sports they want to do just because the society or them think that those games or sport are segmented by boy and girls, the main goal of playing a sport is to enjoy their time with their friends and colleagues, so please do not take that away from others.


  1. Hii :) , I must say that I love your post !! really. And I fully share your opinion, some people still have many stigmas about how men and women should act, what they can do and what they should not do and the truth is that it just seems horrible to me. I have a post about this because I completely disagree with society telling you that you can't do something just because of your sex. And for example, I was on a flight like 2 years ago and a very rude person was making fun of a flight attendant just because he was a man and for this person this was "a women's job."

    We must begin to change these types of thoughts in our society and we will see how we will evolve towards a better world.


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